My Boring Life And Other Bhoru Stuff

My Life Stories

Placement Fun In Thapar

Campus placements = The aim of almost every student of any college.Yes its right,every student want that he should be placed in a very high profile company and that too at a package which he/she may not even deserve 🙂
Same is the case in Thapar..all the students want to get to a very good company and that too at a package as high as possible….To start with the campus recruitment,TCS ,infosys and other I.T companies came to our college.There was so much excitement in the students but i tell you the habbit of scrapping on Orkut has gaved a new term to my friends and on the very first day when TCS was there the students started to say that we shall scrap this company

I was like..what the can any one even think of scrapping TATA …the name that rules India,the most ethical company and so on so forth.For those who done know what scrapping a company means here is the an overview:-

Scrapping means to sit in the written test without any preparation or even if you know the correct answer you mark the wrong one so that you are not selected

Now the question comes why should we sit for a company if we don’t want to go..the answer is very simple….To JUST GET THE FEEL OF WRITTEN TEST OR INTERVIEW

So it all started with TCS and till now I don’t know many companies have been scrapped..Thanks to Orkut for coining a special term for this.


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